The Gastric Sleeve Is A Very Popular Choice

The Gastric Sleeve Is A Very Popular Choice


Don Saunders

The gastric sleeve, which is often also known as the vertical sleeve gastrectomy or simply the sleeve gastrectomy, has been carried out for many years and bariatric surgeons frequently carry out the procedure as the first operation in a two part weight loss process.

For those people who are seriously and who have a BMI in excess of 60 established gastric bypass surgery, like the roux-en-y, holds very high risks and so the gastric sleeve is carried out as this procedure can generally be performed laparoscopically with a minimum of risk. Then, when you have lost sufficient weight, a second procedure in the form of classical gastric bypass surgery may be done.


Recently the view of the gastric sleeve has changed and it is now being used more and more as a stand-alone operation that is capable by itself of producing results that are similar to those experienced with lap banding.

For those people who are afraid of lap band surgery because they are concerned about having a foreign body implanted into their abdomen, the vertical sleeve gastrectomy can be an attractive choice. Likewise, it is also an option for patients who are concerned about potential long-term side effects of classical gastric bypass surgery such as anemia, intestinal obstruction, ulcers and vitamin and protein deficiency to name only some.

One other group of individuals for whom the gastric sleeve can be a life-saver are those individuals with a current medical condition which rules out traditional obesity surgery. People for example with Crohn’s disease, Lupus, anemia and a whole range of other medical conditions.

The sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive as opposed to a malabsorption operation which produces weight loss by controlling how much you can eat. As a restrictive type of surgery weight loss is less rapid than it would be in the case of bypass surgery however you also avoid several of the side effects and complications linked to bypass surgery. In spite of the fact that there is no long-term data available yet for the sleeve gastrectomy as a stand-alone operation current studies suggest that high BMI individuals (with a BMI of 50 to 60) should expect to lose about half of their excess weight in the year after surgery. This figure increases to over two-thirds of excess weight for lower BMI people (with a BMI of between 30 and 40).

In weight loss surgery terms the sleeve gastrectomy comes between gastric banding and the gastric bypass and is normally a good choice for patients whose general health makes gastric bypass surgery not recommended and for a lot of individuals it can produce sufficient weight loss to make a very significant difference to their general state of health and their lifestyle.

Visit for more about the

vertical sleeve gastrectomy

and other forms of

weight loss surgery

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